Actuary - Services

Our clients often say," I'm looking for the right individual. An actuary who can make a success of this role based on their skill set and personality".

When there is a requirement for a senior Life Actuary, or a Healthcare Actuarial Student, a Short Term Non-Life Actuary, Reinsurance Specialist, Banking Actuary at any level, a Pensions Valuator, Marketing Actuary, a Statutory Actuary, Product Development Actuary, a Pricing Specialist, Valuations Actuarial Student, Risk Actuary, Investments Actuary…. The list is endless but there is no doubt, iActuary knows a qualified actuary or a student actuary who would do fantastically well in the role and who would be delighted to hear more about the vacancy.

On the other hand if you are an actuarial student or a senior actuary and would like to discuss jobs for actuaries or actuarial vacancies currently on the go, please feel free to send us an email ( or call us directly (0835702272) to chat about your options. It is part of our daily routine to stay informed regarding vacancies which are advertised internally.

Vision & Values

Through personal customer service, we dedicate ourselves to being a respected and reliable source of top calibre actuarial staff and opportunities that enable career and personal growth.


Code of Ethics

iActuary has a strong commitment to the way we handle and deal in our business relationships


Actuary Applicants will be contacted by an Actuary Agent